- You are not alone! -
The Services That We Provide
S.H.A.R.E., Inc. provides services and safehousing to adults and children affected by domestic violence and/or intimate partner abuse. We are a direct service provider for victims of domestic violence in Morgan County and outlaying areas in northeast Colorado.

Emergency Shelter
We work with Emergency Shelter Programs to ensure a safe place for you and your family. Victims of intimate partner abuse and their children receive shelter for two to eight weeks.
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Support Groups
Adults and youths work with trained specialists individually and in group settings to share their experiences, learn from one another, and begin the healing process as they move forward.
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Safety Plans
Safety plans are often used when working with someone who doesn’t require immediate shelter or shelter at all but needs to be aware of their safety. It is important to listen to the victim.
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Transitional Housing
We provide access to rental assistance, other financial supports, case management and other services to help you gain permanent housing and find personal safety and stability.
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Legal Advocacy
S.H.A.R.E., Inc. legal advocates assist and support victims of domestic violence in discussing their legal options and navigating the legal system. Legal advocates are not attorneys.
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Education Can Save A Life!
What is and is not abuse:
Abuse is one person using power and control OVER another.
Both partners cannot have that kind of control. The abused partner may fight back, but there is a difference between abuse and self-defense.
Abuse is not about both partners just "fighting it out" all the time. Abuse can happen regardless of the length of relationship or living situation.
Learn About The Education We Provide